Crupi Award

Anthony M. Crupi (3/25/1986 – 9/14/2008) was an Eagle Scout and long time scout in Troop 56. He tragically and suddenly passed away at a very young age. The family and friends of Anthony have chosen to establish a Memorial Campership in Anthony’s name.
The Crupi Family in honor of their son would like to send a scout to Summer Camp. Any scout who wishes to attend Camp is eligible to apply for this Campership.

1. Write a two part essay. Part one is ‘what does Leadership mean to me?’ Part two is ‘how do you display leadership in Scouting, School, and your everyday life?’

2. You need to turn these into Mr. Monteforte by the second Tuesday in May. All essays must be typed and contain the following information: Full Name, Address, Contact Information, Rank, Merit Badges, and Position of Responsibility.

Award Recipients

2022 Adam Yalcin
2021 Tyler Sheehan
2019 Adam Kulis
2018 Joseph Maselli
2017 Daniel Maienza
2016 James Ward
2015 Kevin Richardson
2014 David Robie
2013 Jonathan Mackinnon
2012 Dan Bell
2011 Scott Robinson
2010 Michael Dancewicz
2009 William Mackinnon